Whangarei tai ji

# Whangarei Tai ji has been going for over 16 years.

Tai ji is suitable for people of all ages. It can be learned as both an exercise regime and as a martial art.

As an exercise regime it enhances balance, leg strength, cardiovascular efficiency and muscle tone. It can also be used as a meditation regime as one of the fundamental principles is that the practitioner is always aware of what they're doing.

As a martial art it assists in developing defence techniques that are both surprising and, partly because of that, also devastating.

Our teaching of Tai ji focuses on the principles. This is because once you learn the principles well you are in a position to begin teaching yourself. As a result all explanations of how the movements are carried out always include an illustration of the principles.

One of Master Huang's main aims was to make the "secrets" of Tai ji available to all who wished to learn. Our school follows in that tradition. Nothing is held back as too secret.
My teacher's web site
Wee Kee-Jin follows in Master Huang's footsteps by teaching Tai ji "secrets" to his students.
Our lineage.....

Students often ask if there is a secret to learning Tai ji. There is - persevere. Just keep at it. Be patient with yourself. Tai ji sneaks up on you. One day you will look back and say "Not so long ago I couldn't have done what I'm doing now".

New students start 26th February 2023.

Beginner Tai ji classes - Mata Hall. Corner Salmon Road and SH 1, Mata. New classes start, 8.30am 26th February 2023

The benefits of Tai ji